Thursday, December 16, 2010

Becoming a Professional Translator

In order to obtain a career in the professional translation service industry, your level of education should be a 4-year college degree at the minimum in additional to having proficiency in both a source and target language. You also must have subject matter expertise in the area you wish to translate.

Professional translation service agencies are not looking for a person who is fluent in a language. Being a language translator requires very different skills than being a professional language interpreter. If you intend on specializing, that is, working for a Spanish translation service or medical translation agency, master Spanish and all the dialects and culture nuances that affect a translation. For medical translations, you must be proficient in all medical terminology and again, knowledgeable of culture nuances that affect the language you are translating.

In order to obtain work in as a professional language translator, we suggest the following:
  • Study and live in the county whose native language is the language you are interested in translating
  • Be proficient in desktop publishing and word processing along with other basic computers skills i.e. familiarity with working with PDF files
  • Create a collection of resources and equipment, i.e. Online reliable dictionaries, fax machine, email, printers…..
  • Become familiar if not purchase the various translation software tools available
  • Continue to read periodicals, books, text books and other documents in the language you are translating
The professional translation service industry is growing at an increase rate, which means there is a lot of competition. Prepare a detailed CV which highlights your knowledge of a language and your proficiency of a subject, valuable for Spanish translation agencies or for those looking for medical translation.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Using Professional Translation Services for Marketing

When choosing a marketing strategy for any product, most do not recognize the importance if using verbiage or names that will be pleasing to the global arena…not just locals. That is, if you have an interest in selling your product in any other country than your own.

Using a Spanish translation service or really any professional translation service would be essential. This way you don’t ensure the same issues many other companies have already endured. For example, Nissan named one of their cars “Pixo.” They were unaware that in Castilian Spanish the word is meaningless, but for those who speak Catalan, pixio is the infinitive word pixar conjugated in the first person. Pixar means ‘to urinate.’ Pixio means ‘I urinate.’ In Galician pixo translates to a more vulgar term of the male anatomy.

A translation service agency can not only offer localization and document translation services, but can also consult in global marketing strategies. By the way, Nissan never did change the name of their car.

Work with a professional translation service agency or for marketing to the Spanish market, a Spanish translation service. Contact IU today.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Differentiates One Translation Service from Another

With hundreds of translation services to choose from for Spanish translation services or medical translations, it’s good to know what differentiates one translation service from another.

Availability: Nowadays translation service agencies are busy. At least the good ones are. Don’t be discouraged if the turnaround time is not exactly how quick you want it to be. This just means you are working with a translation service that is good and has a good reputation.

Reputation: Translation services like any other services depend on good reviews and good references. Don’t be shy to ask for references before making a commitment to move forward. With so many Spanish translation services to choose from, giving out references is to be expected. If the translation service refuses to do so, move on!

Professionalism: You should feel this from your first call all the way to the completion of your translation services, or medical translation requests.

Quality of work: Give a new translation service agency a small project at first in order to evaluate quality.

Reliability: Judging reliability can be difficult when using a new translation service, so proceed slowly by starting out with smaller translations first.

Experience: Work with a translation service or medical translation service that has been in business at least five years.

Specialization: If it is a Spanish translation you need or a medical translation, ensure that your translation service of choice has worked with these types of translations. You do not want to be a translation service agency’s first medical translation.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Errors in Medical Translations

You will hear discussions of the errors that occur between a patient and doctor because of a bad interpreter. But what about the detrimental errors that occur in a bad, inaccurate medical translation? Clearly, it is a result of not using a professional translation service agency.

There are over 19 million residents in the US who have a limited proficiency in English. A medical translation error is a cause of ‘unknown’ medical errors that happen in US hospitals every day. A study performed in 2004 showed that 77% of medical translations that were done by nurses, family members, or social workers resulted in a “potential clinical consequence.”

The solution is to ensure that those who say they can do medical translation can actually do so. Using a professional translation service or Spanish translation service agency would be more reliable than using a freelance translator. Professional translation service like Interpreters Unlimited work with medical translators well versed in medical terminology, confidentiality issues, and principles of informed consent. Contact IU today to learn more about who we successfully provide medical translation and interpretation for hospitals and other health facilities.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lost in Medical Translation

There is a reason why the phrase Lost in Translation is so popular. Translating from one language into another runs the risk of losing meaning or context. This is especially true for a medical translation. This is why it is crucial to work with someone who knows how to translate, a professional translation service or Spanish translation service.

Using a professional translation service agency can reduce potential errors greatly. Professional translators understand word usage. That is, words that have different meanings in different languages. A professional translation service will understand syntax between two languages. This is important in any language translation. Professionals from a Spanish translation service for example, have the ability to take a Spanish sentence and translate it using the correct syntax, sentence structure whereby the meaning of the sentence is not loss. This is an error you do not want to see for medical translations.

Professional translation services will take the time they need to read the source document, i.e. medical translation patient profile form, and then translate, in oppose to amateurs who are in a hurry and may miss something. These professionals will catch text that cannot be translated word by word.

Always use a professional translation service for all translations especially medical translations.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spend it on Professional Translation Services, It’s Worth it

Medical translation services are needed all over the World. Although based in the United States, Interpreters Unlimited is able to receive a document from anywhere, perform the medical translation service or Spanish translation service, whichever the case, still within a three-business day turn around.

With President Obama and many members of his staff on the way to India, there is much talk about trip expenses that fall on the tax payers. Part of these expenses could be allotted for professional translation services, medical translation, language interpreters, or other translation services. Although it is up for discussion what is a necessity and what is not, I feel confident to say that expenses toward a professional language interpreter or professional medical translation, if needed, is worth it. Course, I could be bias.

Spend the extra amount on a professional that is qualified to provide medical translations, or Spanish translations, or any in-person language interpretation. Get a free estimate on your next translation you need.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Translation Bias

Many organizations opt to use inhouse resources hoping to yield professional translation services that are exact. But the reality is that any person close to the project may have a bias and this may be reflected in the translation they produce. This is not as common in a medical translation as the subject matter is quite straight forward, but it can happen.

The best way to alleviate the potential of a bias or inaccurate translation is to use a third party professional translation service that is in no way affiliated to your organization. There are several medical translation and Spanish translation service agencies available including Interpreters Unlimited.

Interpreters Unlimited provides reliable document translation nationwide in over 130 languages. Whether it’s a medical translation or Spanish translation service you need, Interpreters Unlimited will use only translators whose expertise falls into the category of content used in the translation. Contact us today to learn more about our professional translation services. Click here to request a free translation quote, including medical translations.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tools for Medical Translation and Other Professional Translation Services

Let’s assume you already understand that one cannot rely on free online professional translation services tools for language document translations, and especially not for medical translations. With that said, let’s move on to tools that are out there that are actually used by professional translations service agencies. Tools like the one developed by Kilgray do not hinder the human input factor necessary for an accurate document translation.

Many professional translation service agencies and individuals providing Spanish translation services are turning to these tools since they help quicken their turnaround. The functionality of such software provides translators with quick access to reference documents, integration of localization formats, project management tracking, and much more.

Those agencies that provide medical translations can also benefit from these tools. Medical translations require a unique subject matter expertise; however, increase turnaround time without compromising quality is a huge benefit for this field of translations as well. The importance of mentioning these tools is to emphasize that translators are advancing in the technology they use to continue to provide professional translation services but the common thread for all reliable and accurate translations is that the translation process does not neglect the need for the human touch.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Medical Translations are Not Simple

It is not simple to conduct a medical translation. Besides being proficient in the language that needs to be translated, a translator must completely understand the content of the medical translation. It can be said that the most qualified person to perform a medical translation would be a physician. However, this is not always possible nor is it necessary.

Medical translators can undergo training that is specific to performing medical translations. This would include becoming proficient in medical terminology such as procedures, medications, anatomy, side effects, illnesses, symptoms, and so on.

When you find the translation agency you want to use, just confirm the background of the medical translator by verifying the training and medical translation experience they have had.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Type of Spanish Do Translation Companies Use?

As English is spoken quite differently throughout the nation, this also holds true for Spanish. One may find a difference in how those in Florida speak Spanish compared to Spanish speakers in Southern California. The question asked quite often to Spanish Translation Services is what type of Spanish is used for Spanish translations?

Spanish translation services use Spanish that can be understood by anyone who speaks Spanish no matter what region of the country they live. It is the same concept when books for school are written. English textbooks can be understood by students throughout the country regardless of location. Most Spanish translation services do not use any form of slang or other word usage that may be specific to one region.

When using any Spanish translation service, do not worry about the Spanish they will be using, focus more on their quality, experience, and professionalism.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Using Translation Services

It is clear that the usage of translation services has increased tremendously. What is also true is that people needing these translation services are busier than ever. So the following are some tips to keep in mind when you come to the realization that it’s better to use a professional translation service than to do attempt to complete translations on your own:
  • If the source language is your native language, proof read the document yourself. Make sure that there are no grammar mistakes as it will make it easier for the translator.

  • Choose your translation service wisely. Do not just base your decision on rates. Nowadays, language translators are quite competitive, especially for Spanish translation services. Ask about experience, proof reading process, turnaround time, and subject matter expertise.

  • It is not always possible, but you can request to view the CV of the language translator most likely to be doing your translation. Even if it’s not that same person, at least you will get an idea of the caliber language translator the company uses.

  • If your need a special translation, e.g. medical translation or Spanish translation, find a company that specialized in that subject matter. This may cost you more, but accuracy may be crucial like for a medical translation.
The bottom line is that it’s worth your time now to do some preliminary due diligence before choosing a translation service company.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Increase Your Vocabulary

If you provide translation services, and this includes Spanish translation service or even medical translation, increasing your vocabulary is essential. There are many ways to go about doing this, and just recently has suggested a rather easy and actually quite entertaining method: Watch the right TV shows. has put out a list of shows that they believe will increase your vocabulary based on the plethora of ‘big words’ that are used in these shows.
  • Glee
  • The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  • Fringe
  • Top Chef
  • Sesame Street
  • Yo Gabba Gabba
  • True Blood
  • Mad Men
Those of you who provide translation services may not actually find the need to translate words from these shows, but one never knows what translation services may be needed. One would think that watching a medical show like House would only help someone who does medical translations. So, the next time someone tells you that you watch too much TV, let them know that it’s part of your job as a translator doing medical translations, Spanish translation service, or any other translation services you do.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Are Spanish Translations All the Same?

No. There are multiple dialects of the Spanish language, not to mention, the Spanish spoken in Columbia is different from the Spanish Spoken in Spain which differs from Spanish spoken in Mexico. So how do you know if a Spanish translation service is taking all these dialects and language nuances into account? You don’t. You have to ask. It’s ok that a Spanish translation service specializes in only one type of Spanish translation. What is not ok is for them not to be clear on what that is. Many free lance Spanish translator services are not inclined to turn down any translation work. Hence, they may not be inclined to say that they do not translate in the Spanish dialect you need. So ask!

Also, ask for sample work from any Spanish translation service you are considering to use. Communicate clearly who your target audience is and what subject matter you are needing to translate. Some Spanish translation services are specialize in medical Spanish translation but not online content Spanish translation or localization. There is quite a difference so explaining the scope of work early is prudent. Don’t be afraid to ask what the process is and who performs the proof reading: A different Spanish translation services than the one doing the initial translating?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Professional Translation Services by Native Speakers

Professional translators translate in their native language better than other languages. Many in the professional translation services industry would not agree with this statement. Take the case with translating the Holy Quran which is the holy book Muslims follow. It is written in Arabic with translation in hundreds of languages all around the world, many done by professional translation services. Iranians tout that they are actually in the forefront of producing exegeses and Islamic material above those whose native language is Arabic. Persian is the native language of Iranians, and yet some Iranian publishing officials claim that even the first Islamic translations of critical analysis were done by Iranians.

So how do you confirm that the professional translation services you are getting, is the best, most accurate. Most professional translation services include a step where proof reading is conducted by someone who did not perform the initial translation. You may want to request a second proof reading, although normally one proof reading will suffice.

Also verify credentials of the translator. As previously stated, do not focus on what the native language is of the translator. Verify the experience, certification, and other credentials of the translator doing the original translation. What everyone can agree on is using a professional translation services agency is the best step to take for all document translations.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Language Translation Domain Names

Wondering if your child should learn a second language? Absolutely! It only helps to know at least one other language pretty well, maybe not at the level of a language translator or enough to perform an accurate medical translation, but to understand and to speak.

According to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), only 40 percent of cyberspace is made up of English-speaking users. The other 60% actually surf viewing another language; their native language. June 2010 ICANN approved the use of domain names using only Chinese language characters- who actually make up one fifth of the global population. Arabic countries have already had domain names of Arabic characters. ICANN states that this decision will benefit about one billion people who use the Chinese language on a daily basis.

So, what does this mean for those of us in the language translation business? Start looking into web content translation services and ensuring that language translators have the skill to convert consumer content translations, technical translations, and other website content into languages such as Arabic or Mandarin. It won’t be long before this decision affects all industries including the medical service and research sector. Medical translation for print is very different compared to online medical translation. Always use a language translator or language interpreter trained in medical translation and interpretation. Not all language translators are qualified to conduct medical translations.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Free Online Medical Translation

If you are reading this medical translation blog, you either are interested in a free online medical translation or have actually used the service. Either way, stop what you are doing. I can’t resist using the commonly used phrase, “You will get what you pay for.”

Online medical translations appear to be reliable. But they are not. Online medical translation tools are good for quick references for personal use or when accuracy is not crucial. However, medical translations cannot be depended on an online tool; it could be detrimental.

If you are in need of medical translation services but have a tight budget, this does not justify using an online translator. Most professional translation services will work with you and your budget constraints.

Language is just too complicated for an online language translator. These tools cannot take into account context, dialect, culture nuances, word usage, tone, sarcasm, and so on. Machines cannot use logic to understand what someone is trying to say. Simply put: an online medical translation will never replace a human language translator or language interpreter. Test this statement. Type a medical statement into your online translation tool and then reverse it. Try this with at least three different online translation tools and observe your results. Now do you believe me?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

English is a Hard Language - Ask Medical Translation Professionals

It’s not a secret that English is a hard language for a non-native English speaker trying to translate a medical translation, legal translation or technical translation. What is now widely known is just how crucial it is to use a professional translation service because of the trickiness of English translations.

English has a strange way of putting a verb and adverb together like “turn on” or “turn off.” This can be used to describe turning on a light or turning on a person. Wouldn’t want to mess up that translation. In English you can split an infinitive, where other languages do not allow for this. Also, English is tricky to translate because of its very strict sentence structure. Other languages are much more flexible. We English speakers have to use our pronouns otherwise anyone listening to us would be confused. Languages like Spanish or even Polish don’t need to use a pronoun since the verb clearly defines feminine or masculine.

English is hardly phonetic. Try spelling benign, pneumonia, or anesthesia, for a medical translation if you weren’t trained and proficient in English. The list goes on and on. Because of other peculiarities of English like the meaning of ‘to do’ and ‘to make’, same in most languages or just the grammar rules of English relative to other languages, it should be clear that one should use only professional medical translation companies. Contact us for more information about our medical translation services.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Medical Translation for FIFA Website

October, 2009 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) proudly launched a web-based service promoting better public health through playing soccer. This site will include news about FIFA as well as medical techniques as it applies to soccer.

As we all know, FIFA has an international following, which means, their website must be presented in numerous languages. With the launch of this new site, professional medical translation is a must. This site will have information written for physicians, physiotherapist and other medical professionals. Therefore, this site must have accurate medical translations keeping in mind proper dialect, cultural nuances, and accurate translation of medical terminology.

Medical translation for content on a FIFA website or a patient in-take form, cannot be left to non-professional, non-trained language interpreters. Contact a professional language translator for your next medical translation. Interpreters Unlimited™ is offering a free iPad for a medical translation or any other translation that is at least 50 pages. Contact us today.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Choose a Professional Medical Translation Company

Over one-fourth of medical translations are performed by freelance translators. Although it’s a growing industry, many of these medical translators work in their field sporadically. Hence, it is prudent to work with a professional translation service that will ensure the quality and accuracy of the medical translation.

IU has access to over 7,000 language interpreters nationwide. Among this pool of language interpreters is a long list of qualified, experienced, and timely medical translators. Since IU provides medical translation all over the nation and for a wide range of size and type of medical facilities, IU has the luxury of being quite selective with the translators we choose to trust with our medical translations.

IU selects only translators who have proficiency in medical and colloquial terminology in both languages as well as sensitivity to cultural practices.

Do not rely on just someone you know is bilingual. There is no room for error in medical translations. Contact IU today to learn more about our medical translation division.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

¿Tienes leche?

Many companies are allocating a large portion of their marketing budget toward online marketing. This is an obvious decision as so many consumers turn to the Internet for product research. With this comes the decision to extend toward global online marketing. This would mean that any given website would need to be translated into multiple languages. As some websites are hundreds of pages, the question at hand would be whether to hire a professional translation service or use one of many translating software available. The answer is obvious right? [A: Use a professional translation service.] Still perplexed on why the answer is so obvious. Take the following example:

"A similar cross-cultural faux pas was averted before the "Got Milk?" campaign was launched in Hispanic markets," said Ms. Ballance. "As it turns out, the phrase translates as "¿Tienes leche?", which can mean "Are you lactating?"

Disaster avoided. It is only the human factor that can catch such a mistake. Translation software does not account for cultural transcreation where factors such as dialect and cultural nuances are taken into account. This skill can only come from a professional translation service that has language translators with various skills sets above and beyond proficiency of a target language.

The Hispanic market is sizable and a focus for many corporations today. This is why using a Spanish translation service, not some free online translating tool is your only solution. Why spend millions on branding when that image can easily be ruined just by asking "¿Tienes leche?"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Baby: A Sign Language Interpreter?

Is it possible to teach my baby Sign Language as she is starting to learn muscle movement? Of course it is, in fact, it’s encourage. Some studies have shown that babies that learn Sign Language have a larger vocabulary at an earlier age. It’s quite fun to watch too.

But how do I go about teaching my kids to Sign? You have several options. First, look out for classes that are specifically for teaching babies Sign Language. There are many Sign Language classes available, however, many are for people who want to become language interpreters or work for a professional translation service. There may even be classes that are quite inexpensive and taught by a language interpreter as a volunteer.

Second, look for flash cards for Sign Language. Again, these cards may be quite sophisticated and geared toward someone wanting to be a language interpreter. Find flash cards that are colorful and very simple. Babies have an aptitude to learn many words and/or phrases in Sign Language, but you want to make sure the flash cards are easy for them to understand; that they have drawings that they can interpret.

Third, work with someone who already knows Sign Language, like a Sign Language translator. If you find someone who would be willing to teach a class, talk with your local library to see if they will help promote a series of classes for those wanting to teach their children Sign Language.

Learning any new language at an early age is quite beneficial. Many professional language interpreters IU works with have been submerged in the language they interpret since early childhood. Teaching your children a new language could put them on a path toward being a professional language interpreter.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tips on Learning a New Language

To have the ability to speak more than one language is priceless. After all, the world is getting smaller right? Language translators are in demand more than they have been in years. Nowadays even the smallest businesses have some connection to countries thousands of miles away. A housewife in San Diego, California can’t afford to start her home-based business selling children books and toys without utilizing labor from China. How hard is it for her to communicate with her business associates without a language translator? How hard would it be for her to learn Chinese or any other second language. It’s difficult, but not impossible. The following are some tips for those of you on a quest to learn another language. You may not be pursuing a career as a language translator, but these tips should help.

Be realistic with your expectations. Being in a language class may be uncomfortable at first, but it’ll get easier if you relax and keep in mind why you are here. You will make mistakes, not sound that good, have a crummy accent, and so on…but expect that and know that these are just steps needed to learn the language. Expect that you will be lost and overwhelmed. Keep in mind that it takes time and although you don’t feel like you are progressing that fast, you’ll be amazed of how much you are actually picking up.

Focus on Vocabulary. The more words you know the better. It is very empowering to be able to enter a living room and know the name of each furniture piece in the language you are learning. Learn the basics first, but expand into the everyday phrases that will come in handy. Remember, the goal isn’t to be a language translator, but to at least be able to carry on a conversation.

Practice, practice, practice. If you are able to find someone who speaks the language you are learning, ask them to only speak that language to you. Immersion is one of the best ways to learn another language. In fact, many professional translation services give preference to those language translators that have been immersed in a language by living in that country for an extended period of time. The closest to immersion may be your class, so make the most of it. Practice with your classmates and instructor.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Microsoft Translating Telephone

Technology is amazing. Microsoft is amazing. TechFair2010 held in Silicon Valley featured the latest and greatest innovations including Microsoft’s Translating Telephone. This machines acts as a language translator. With two people wearing headphones, the computer will listen and provide consecutive interpretation. We viewed a demonstration of this language translator telephone and were not surprised by the results. It proved again that a machine cannot replace a human language translator. Don’t get me wrong, the translating telephone is a very cool tool that does give each person the gist of what the other is saying, but it was evident that this machine could not be relied upon in cases where errors in a translation service can be detrimental or even fatal.

In the demo we could see that simple questions like “Do you like football or basketball?” or “What is your favorite type of food?” were easily translated by the language translator tool. However, a question like “How long have you been working on this program?” lead the technician to describe what the functions of the program were instead.

There will always be language translator tools that try to perfect the art of accurate and reliable professional translation services. It will truly be amazing when someone develops a language interpreter tool that matches dialect, idioms, culture influences, and regional accents as a professional human language translator does daily and with ease.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Language Interpreters Who Work Abroad

No one can argue the benefits of being proficient in another language other than English. Even having a little knowledge of another language can open up opportunities that would normally not be attainable. For many, living abroad is a dream. This dream can come true for those who have enough knowledge of another language to become a language interpreter or provide other translation services. Of course, I would be remiss not to mention the importance of learning about the culture of the country one plans to work at as a language interpreter.

After gaining this priceless experience of being a language translator while living in another country, the next logical step would be to join a professional translation service. Interpretation agencies like ours value language interpreters who have not only the proficiency of a language but the in depth knowledge of the culture and practices of a certain group. This only adds to the accuracy of an interpretation or translation.

Being a language interpreter takes more than knowing a source language and target language. From our experience of working in this industry for nearly 40 years, our best interpreters are those who have experience living overseas or are native to that country.

Monday, April 19, 2010

American Sign Language Interpreters

It is impossible to understand the life of those hard of hearing or hearing impaired. But American Sign Language interpreters understand best! American Sign Language interpreters play a vital role for the deaf who live in this hearing world. ASL interpreters help the deaf get through doctor appointments, court proceedings, and other sessions where language causes a barrier in communication.

A language translator for American Sign Language can attain different levels of certification. It’s not just about knowing ASL; it’s about understanding the culture as well as the ethics of being a language interpreter. Language interpreters must remain objective, accurate, timely, professional, and honest, just to name a few requirements. The professional of language interpretation and translation services has come a long way. Do not just rely on someone who says they are proficient in a source and target language; work with professional language interpreters and professional translation services.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Medical Translation for Prescriptions

Many pharmacies across the globe rely on computer generated medical translations for their prescription labels. On paper this is an efficient means of getting a medical translation of not only the bottle label but any instructions that need to accompany the prescription. However, in practice this system has proven to be unreliable.

Researchers from Dartmouth University surveyed almost 300 pharmacies where close to 50% of the population is Spanish speaking. These pharmacies in Bronx, New York showed grammar mistakes, medical translation errors, and spelling errors. The potential consequence of this is quite alarming: Patients not taking proper dosages, not understanding side effects, or not knowing how this drug mixes with other medications, just to name a few.

It is detrimental to believe a language translator tool or software can replace a human language translator. The medical industry is one place no one can afford to compromise on using a professional translation service; in fact it could be fatal.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Inaccurate Online Language Translator Tool

Have you used those online free language translator tools? They seem so easy and accurate, and free! But, you must understand you are getting what you paid for. These language translator tools cannot compare to using professional language interpreters or professional translation services for written document translation projects. These tools are quite handy for looking up quick vocabulary translation. That is, searching for a single word translation. However, if you really want an accurate translation, you won’t get it from these online language translator tools. These tools are notorious for incorrect word usage, grammar mistakes, dialect mistakes, and inaccurate translations. They are not reliable. Do not use an online language translator tool for anything you want translated accurately. Use a professional!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Use Spanish Translation Services?

With over 45 million people, nearly 15% of our population, speaking Spanish at home, why would you use professional Spanish translation services? First off understand that when we speak about Spanish translation services we are referring to written document translations.

Translating English into Spanish takes more than verbal proficiency of Spanish. This person performing the Spanish translation needs to:

  • Be proficient in English
  • Have superior writing skills
  • Have exceptional knowledge of grammar in both languages
  • Be a subject matter expert - terminology plays a big role in a translation, especially with medical translation
  • Be proficient in Word, using PDFs, and other file formats
  • Have a solid understanding

Don’t settle for someone in your office who just happens to speak both languages. Use a translation agency offering professional Spanish translation services.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Professional Translator should be an experienced industry-specific language

Professional translation services comprise language translations of all types of documents, in all formats, lengths and languages. We offers you consistent and very reliable translation services that can be affordable for all.

While we specialize in English and Spanish translation services, we regularly translate documents in French, and other languages using native, experienced, industry-specific language. Professional translation services are as significantly vital as the qualified translator, working with business or medical documentation and must not only be an expert in the requisite language, but also have an excellent theoretical base and experience in particular language or area. Top quality Professional translation can become a first step on the path to a considerable increase of sales efficiency, your business success and further progress of your company.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Interpreter’s experts must have Degrees in particular fields

In our diverse era, for successful medical translation of current medical terminology it is not enough to just be a competent linguist. Language Interpreters experts must also have certificates and degrees in particular fields, including Medical, French, German, Arabic, Chinese and many more. At Interpreters Unlimited, we join an eminently qualified language translator staff with personalized attention and an individual approach to every client in order to provide a really great medical translation service.

Interpreters unlimited has team of highly trained Language Interpreters be able to cope with all kinds of documents of any size and complexity such as clinical study reports, insurance reports, product description and data sheets, patient information and history record, product licensing, patents, and marketing materials, medical equipment instruction manuals, etc. All translated documentation goes through our multi-stage quality control process which includes error correction, editing and proof-reading before we deliver the final copy to the clients.

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to choose the best Translation Service?

Translation Services can be seen and heard in most of the places today. Such services are required for the basic translations while dealing with clients in far-off locations, often across continents. Client requirements and business needs makes it mandatory to render the services of this type.

Being very crucial for your business, you should always rely on professional translation services only. A thorough check of its credibility and worthiness should be done prior to assigning the task. In case you are doing business in a Hispanic community, Spanish Translation Service can help you out. Such translation service will assist you in translating the documents from English to Spanish or vice versa.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Molding the Business for Local Needs: Language Translators

Globalization of the business has brought in several aspects into the daily working of a business. And this includes the need of translator services.

Language Translator translates the documents from the local language to the English language or vice versa. In case the spoken records or testimonials needs to be translated, the services of Language Interpreters are required. This service interprets the spoken data, and converts to the required language; either in spoken form or textual format.

Medical Translation service is required for translating the medical prescriptions and medical data. Being a crucial task, only medically proficient personals are used to handle such tasks.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quality Translation Services

There are millions of people all over the world that find it quite convenient to use a number of languages other than English. Those involved in international businesses face a lot of problems while managing different languages. The best way to combat with such situations is to seek the help of quality Translation Services.

Not all the translation companies can match up to you standards. Therefore you need to search for the right kind of Professional Translation Service provider to handle your confidential information. Suppose, you want a very important document to be translated from Spanish to English then you find a capable and dedicated Spanish Translation Service provider. Almost all the reputed translation service providers maintain a strong web presence and can be approached easily by the means of internet.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Importance of Translators and Interpreters

Interpreters as well as translators play a vital role in the success of global businesses. They not only augment communication but also help in conveying the right information from a particular language to another. A Language Translator handles written communication. And on the other hand the role of Language Interpreters is to handle verbal communication. Interpreters as well as translators provide a number of services in multiple business areas.

Medical translations help in promoting communication between patients and hospital management. Conference interpreters act as mediators between international businesses. Specialized business translations associated with financial markets involves the translation of different documents such as mutual fund reports, financial statements, regulatory statements, etc.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Increasing Trend of Translation Services

Translation services are quite in boom these days, thanks to their role in interpreting and simplifying a foreign language in the most effective manner. Today, many big organisations are heavily relying on them while they penetrate into the non English speaking target markets. The professional translation services not only interpret a certain language but ensure to translate it relevantly and keeping in mind its cultural contexts. If a language is translated on the basis of its culture then the target audience tend to connect to it on a deeper level. This in turn is helpful increasing the profits and revenues of your business.

Spanish translation is gaining momentum in the present scenario. As Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages around the world, it has immense potential as a market. This has caused an increase in the translations agencies specialising in Spanish language. Such agencies can be easily found on the internet. Find the best spanish translation service agency for you.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Translation Services - For Conveying Your Messages Effectively

In today’s world of global marketing, the demand for translation services has grown tremendously. As more and more businesses are trying to reach the worldwide market, the problem arising in effective communication due to language barriers has been clearly felt. A translator has the expertise in converting your document to the selected target language and presenting it to the global market.

Professional training is very essential to ensure effective translation to any foreign language. Since special expertise in editing and dialect is required, only a skilled translator can achieve the desired results for you. From contract translation and newspaper article translation to legal documents and product label translation, a professional translation service provider can offer you many helpful services. They work on your written documents and translate each word in an impeccable manner. Since accurate translation is a tedious task, you must always rely on a professional Spanish translation service or experts in any other language.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Language Translators – Bridging the Gap between You and Your Clients

With the advent of the internet and other advanced means of communication, more and more companies are trying to reach out to a wider audience. When a business expands its horizons, it has to face with many issues, including language barriers. This has led to the growing popularity of translation services. A language translator possesses the required skills and expertise to translate a written document to a specific language, in a grammatically correct way. Great writing skills and analytical abilities are the foremost requirements in this profession.

Due to rapid globalization, interpreting services has become a part of every industry. Language interpreters perform the challenging job of converting one spoken language to another. High level of skill is required in this field as the interpreter has to remember what has been said and rapidly translate the information. As the diversity in medical facilities increases, services like medical translation has become essential for effective communication between the health care provider and the patient.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Help your Business Bloom with Translation Services

If your business set up is getting affected while penetrating in a non English speaking territory, worry not; translation services come to your rescue in such times and are quite in trend these days. Whether it is professional translation service or the verbal interpretation services, you can seek the service of your choice on the internet.

And to your relief, the services provided by these agencies are good enough to make your business transcend the language barrier and easily operate in the new countries. You can also seek the Spanish translations services from the online translation agencies and help your business bloom in the Spanish speaking areas like South America or the parts of West Europe.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Translation Services - Help is out there

Are you looking for translation services that can simplify your language problems? You can find an array of professional translation services on the World Wide Web that are readily available to help you communicate with people from all over the world.

Many are in search of Spanish translation service which are also ample in any quick search of the Internet. Spanish is one of the most prevalent languages used throughout the globe, which puts the English-speaking world in a communication nightmare. Translating documents from Spanish to English is also easy to find with a quick search of the Internet. What is difficult to find is translators and interpreters who produce accurate translations and quality interpretation when using the Spanish language.

You can find a lot of companies which deal with the similar services on highly cost-effective packages. Get the best online deal and transcend all the language barriers.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Language Translation Services: Right Words For Right People

Whether you are running your business or own a website, it is quite obvious that language barrier does pose a big problem, when you need to expand your business – globally. But now, with the help of Language Translator services, you can cross that hurdle. It is always better and fruitful to convey your message to your target customers – in their own language rather than force some other languages upon them. This is the reason why, Language Interpreters have been in great demand these days.

If you are looking forward to get the reliable and Professional Translation Service, then it’s better to do an online research. Now that more and more companies have been expanding their business operations in varied geographical locations, there are many notable online firms, which offer these services. In fact, medical transcription services have become hugely popular among people. In order to get the best in services, you can do a thorough online research.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Language Translation Services: Express Better

Over a period of time, a Language Translator has become one of the most sought-after employees across the world. Nowadays, leading corporate houses throughout the world hire these translators to reach out to their audiences, in their own language or dialects. If you look into the details, then you would find that sometimes, business transactions do get affected badly because of the language barriers. This is where Language Interpreters can come handy. It can really prove helpful, if you want to target a particular country or region speaking the same language.

Everyday, new and innovative products have been coming on the forefront like anything, thus it is not easy to sell your products online. This is where, a Professional Translation Service providing agency can make a big difference. To avail these services, you need to do a thorough online research. There are many notable agencies with strong online presence. Here, you would get clear-cut information about their services and other related aspects.