Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Drumroll, please...

After several months of anticipation, we are pleased to announce that we finally unveiled our new website!

Interpreters Unlimited's New Website
If you need interpreter services or language translation, be sure to fill out a request via our new interpretation and translation quote forms. The revamped website will feature not only blogs but videos, infographics, and other items about Interpreters Unlimited and the language service industry. Take a look around and stay tuned for more IU news and updates!

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Olympics – A Cultural Melting Pot

The Olympics. Whether you’re a devoted soccer fan, an occasional NBA watcher, or an all-around anti-sports individual, there’s no avoiding the Olympics.  Millions of people worldwide tuned in to cheer on their countries’ representatives, hoping to see their flag raised and their national anthem played for winning the gold medal. With participants and spectators from all across the globe, the Olympics set the stage as an event where translation and interpreter services would be highly critical.

Being a contestant in the Olympics must be exhilarating experience (I can only speculate however, as I am one of those people who was perpetually picked last in gym class), but competing in a country where you do not understand the language can create more than just an inconvenience without the language service industry. Signs to be translated, announcements to be interpreted, and conversations to facilitate are only a few of the vital tasks assigned to language professionals at the Olympic Games.

Although the language industry is one that often goes unrecognized, it is clear that interpreting and translation companies play a pivotal role in global events like the Olympics by allowing visitors to feel welcome and understood in a foreign locale.