Thursday, October 27, 2011

American Sign Language - “Deaf Jam”

I found it quite interesting to read about a duo of one teen Palestinian and one teen Israeli joining together to vocalize their cultural and personal experiences in a documentary entitled “Deaf Jam”. I really shouldn’t say vocalize since the Israeli teen is deaf and will be using American Sign Language translation. This film introduces a new form of slam poetry since it is a collaboration of someone who is deaf and someone who can hear.

One can be certain that more and more performances whether on stage or in cinemas, will require language translation or some kind of foreign translation service. The immigrant population is only getting bigger and the deaf and hard of hearing community is only getting more and more active. Those of us in the language translation industry enjoy seeing such growth as it only promoted the need for using professional translation services. So go out and support this documentary and other foreign language films or projects.

1 comment:

  1. Language always plays an important role in our day to day lives. Language can be express as the sum total of set rules regulations and symbols. We manipulate it, modify and improvise these rules and symbles to suit our needs and requirements. You can say language is single most important thing that differentiates humans from other species on the earth. It’s very hard to imagine a proper functioning of any social life without language. In view of immense importance of professional translation service and developments taken place in social, economical and technological spheres of life, language translation holds a significant place. Business has increased tremendously and we don’t really need to explain importance of economy in today’s world.
