Friday, June 29, 2012

And the correct answer is…

Imagine this- you’re 12 years old. It’s Friday morning and you’re taking a test in Chinese class that you have been dreading all week. You’re on the last question, and you've narrowed down the answer to two choices. Both answers seem correct. Upon further inspection you realize that both answers ARE correct. You begin to think that it must be a trick question; there can’t be two correct answers to a multiple choice question, right? You might be surprised…

A number of articles have been published about foreign language exams in New York schools containing errors due to sub-par translation service. From having multiple correct answers to absurd or ambiguous questions and passages, the number of erroneous translations throughout the state has been increasing.

When converting important documents like school exams, it is imperative to select a reliable translation company. Taking exams is never a pleasant experience (for most people, anyway). Students should only have to worry about getting the answer right- not about the possibility of the question being wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Your work article, blogs I mean over all contents is must read stuff
    document translation
