Friday, November 26, 2010

Errors in Medical Translations

You will hear discussions of the errors that occur between a patient and doctor because of a bad interpreter. But what about the detrimental errors that occur in a bad, inaccurate medical translation? Clearly, it is a result of not using a professional translation service agency.

There are over 19 million residents in the US who have a limited proficiency in English. A medical translation error is a cause of ‘unknown’ medical errors that happen in US hospitals every day. A study performed in 2004 showed that 77% of medical translations that were done by nurses, family members, or social workers resulted in a “potential clinical consequence.”

The solution is to ensure that those who say they can do medical translation can actually do so. Using a professional translation service or Spanish translation service agency would be more reliable than using a freelance translator. Professional translation service like Interpreters Unlimited work with medical translators well versed in medical terminology, confidentiality issues, and principles of informed consent. Contact IU today to learn more about who we successfully provide medical translation and interpretation for hospitals and other health facilities.

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