Many companies are allocating a large portion of their marketing budget toward online marketing. This is an obvious decision as so many consumers turn to the Internet for product research. With this comes the decision to extend toward global online marketing. This would mean that any given website would need to be translated into multiple languages. As some websites are hundreds of pages, the question at hand would be whether to hire a professional translation service or use one of many translating software available. The answer is obvious right? [A: Use a professional translation service.] Still perplexed on why the answer is so obvious. Take the following example:
"A similar cross-cultural faux pas was averted before the "Got Milk?" campaign was launched in Hispanic markets," said Ms. Ballance. "As it turns out, the phrase translates as "¿Tienes leche?", which can mean "Are you lactating?"
Disaster avoided. It is only the human factor that can catch such a mistake. Translation software does not account for cultural transcreation where factors such as dialect and cultural nuances are taken into account. This skill can only come from a professional translation service that has language translators with various skills sets above and beyond proficiency of a target language.
The Hispanic market is sizable and a focus for many corporations today. This is why using a Spanish translation service, not some free online translating tool is your only solution. Why spend millions on branding when that image can easily be ruined just by asking "¿Tienes leche?"
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